7/16/14 Woodstock CSA’rs Week 5 Eggs yes

Full Shares:
#l. Take 1 bag from top shelf of your fridge
2. take eggs from door of fridge, if you subscribe
Early Wonder Beets with tops(use tops like spinach)
Candy Onions with greens
Red Russian Kale
Golden Zukkini: we dont peel it
Cherriette RAadish
Lettuce Mix

Feel free to return egg cartons:)
Pesto for sale in the Half share Freezer $7.00

* denotes recipe to follow

#1. Take 1 bag from any shelf of your fridge
2. take eggs from door of fridge, if you subscribe

Early Wonder Beets with tops(use tops like spinach)
Parisian Carrots
Candy Onions with greens
Red Russian Kale
Golden Zukkini: we dont peel it