CSA Woodstock Day 16, Eggs yes September 21,Day16 2 weeks left

Extend your Season by 3 weeks
Added days October 12th, and l9th & 26th

1. take one PLASTIC bag from TOP OR BOTToM shelf of your fridge
2. Take EGGS FROM The door if you subscribe.
In the bag:
Heirloom Tomatoes:
Red Onion
Sweet Banana peppers un stuffed peppers: slice, place in bottom of baking pan, add the “stuffing”( hamburger mix etc. Bake in oven. Or https://www.google.com/search?q=unstuffed+peppers&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

Extend your Season by 3 weeks
Added days October 12th, and l9th & 26th
Vegie only $45.00
Add egg share( weekly) $66. 00
Some things to expect :greens, radish, summer squash, sweet potatoes, leeks and more
Your last day for Summer shares October 5th