I have rinsed greens once, please rinse again, spin and seal.
Dear CSA’rs: You’ve got plenty tomatos and herbs to work with this week and ..
A special treat: I purchased some organic pears from a customer from North Riverside. I believe they are Dutch pears. I’ve been eating them all week but you can cook with pears also. See recipes. Thanks for your support.
This week
- Greens
- A lot of Basil with garlic
- Early Girl and Mountain Pride tomatos
- Cherry tomato mix
- Pears
- A few jalapenos
- Certified Organic Raw Milk Amish Cheeses, priced as marked in the door
- My salsa in the door $6.00
- GRanola $5.00
- Pestos in freezer $5.00
- Eggs  $3.00( or 6 for $2.00)
- Amish Noodles $5.50
- Spicey fruit Vinegrette $5.00