CSA Woodstock Week #11 eggs, Yes this week 8/26/09

Note on Tomatos:
It looks like tomatos have come and gone. The other farmers are experiencing the same problems. Probably due to the cold weather. I’ll do the best I can for you.
1. take 1 bag from the bottom half of the first fridge(it is marked)
2.Take a bag from the table opposite the fridge from the side marked full share.
What’s in the bags:
1 ball squa sh & Floridor Squash
Muncher Cucumbers
Dragon Tongue or Purple Queen Beans
Sweet, baby banana peppers
Assorted tomatos
Basil w.garlic
Malabar Spinach or Swiss Chard
Small Mars Red Onions
1. Take a bag from the top shelf of the fridge
2.Take a bag from the table opposite the fridge from the side marked full share
Muncher Cucumbers
Squa sh
Muncher Cucumbers
Malibar spinach or Swiss Chard
Mars Red Onion