Special note to Woodsstock, Please..

Hello CSA’rs:
Please read your instructions before you take bags.
For several weeks I’m having missing bags. In other words, if you take something and it’s not yours, someone else gets shorted.DIRECTIONS DO CHANGE SLIGHTLY THAT IS WHY IT IS TYPED FOR YOU ON YOUR FRIDGE.
This includes eggs.
You either get doz. chick eggs or IF there are 6 packs (duck) in the fridge, please take only one 6 pack, not two, again, then someone else gets shorted.
If the typed instructions online and on the side of your fridge seem unclear to you, find me or email me later. ***Also, you only take eggs if you subscribed.******

Feel free to email me anytime about this or anything else. Again, I just want everyone to get what is due them. Thanks for your understanding.

Thanks for your support.
MM Graff
P.S. Susan L. : I will give you the eggs that “got away” next week, you will probably need to remind me. Glad you could make it out this week.