Logan Square CSA Week 3, no eggs 6/26/11

If anyone has any other great ideas for using fennel leaf, please share with me.
We still have room for full and half share CSA’s for L.S. pickup.
Full Share:
Swiss Chard
Red Russian Kale
Fennel leaf
Round Carrots(I had with pasta & chard last nite)
Mars Red Onions(also used greens of these in above pasta)
Basil (thinnings, not quite on yet)
Swiss Chard
Sorrel(pesto, vinegrette/marinade, salad)*see recipe ideas below
Red Russian Kale
Round Carrots(pasta, carrots, onions)
make a pesto for proteins
Vinegrette/Marinade: Orange juice, vinegar, curry and chopped sorrel(onion garlic optional) use as dressing or marinate proteins.
Salad: Spinach, chard or lettuce, sorrel, strawberries and walnuts. Use a sweeter dressing for this one.