Week #8, Woodstock CSA eggs,NO! 8/3/11

Again, please read your instructions carefully either here or on the side of your fridge
Full Shares:
l. Take a bag from the top shelf of your fridge
2. TAke a bag from the table opposite the fridge(marked full or half share.)
What’s in the bags:
Red Norland Potatoes
Regular or Round Zukkini
Cherry Toms
Cabbag, Savoy
Thai Basil(sautee this with anything, especially squash and garlic)
Half Shares.
l. Take a bag from the bottom shelf of your fridge
2. Take a bag from the table opposite the fridge, marked full or half share.
What’s in the bags:
Sorrel( see below)*
Red Norland Potatoes
Regular or Round Zukkini
* Vinegar, O.J., toasted sesame oil(opt or just any oil), garlic,curry and chopped sorrel. * or google pesto for protiens.

Week #8, Woodstock CSA eggs,NO! 8/3/11

Full Shares:
l. Take a bag from the top shelf of your fridge
2. TAke a bag from the table opposite the fridge(marked full or half share.)
What’s in the bags:
Red Norland Potatoes
Regular or Round Zukkini
Cherry Toms
Cabbag, Savoy
Thai Basil(sautee this with anything, especially squash and garlic)
Half Shares.
l. Take a bag from the bottom shelf of your fridge
2. Take a bag from the table opposite the fridge, marked full or half share.
What’s in the bags:
Sorrel( see below)*
Red Norland Potatoes
Regular or Round Zukkini
* Vinegar, O.J., toasted sesame oil(opt or just any oil), garlic,curry and chopped sorrel. * or google pesto for protiens.