6/24/15 Week 3 Woodstock CSA Eggs, yes

Please read directions carefully.

A link for radish recipes: (you must copy and paste) http://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-buy-this-now-radishes-20150402-story.html

My Cilantro Pesto is AWESOME!
1. Mix with sour creme and mayo for a dip
2. use on vegies
3. spread on tortilla, add your raw veg, cheese etc.
5. Mexican pizza: instead of red sauce, spread the pesto on a pizza crust and add things like cheese, mushroom, black olive THEN , WHEN COOKED, ADD CHILLED LETTUCE GREENS TO THE TOP AND EAT , YUM.

Oregano: its alot of oregano: you can dry and use in the winter for soups.
or in ground beef or meatloaf or meatballs.

FULL Shares

#l. Take 1 bag from top shelf of your fridge
2. take eggs from the door of fridge if you subscribe to eggs
3. Full shares only: take a container of pesto
Return egg cartons if you can
Green Leaft Lettuce
EAster egg Radishes: a little spicy. Roast them?
Spring red onions
Oregano: enuff to dry if you want
Frozen , Cilantro Pesto

half Shares:
#l. Take 1 bag from the bottom shelf of your fridge
2. take eggs from the door of fridge if you subscribe to eggs
Return egg cartons if you can
Green Leaf Lettuce
Spring Red onions
Easter egg radishe: spicy . Roast them?

basket to left of fridge hanging on wall $7.00