I still have 3 half share spots if any one knows someone
Also, if you need xtra eggs, let me know I’ll put in the door with your name and you can pay the basket.
I have organic Pestos for sale : Cilantro and BAsil $7.00 per. They are frozen so you’ll need to let me know.
Stay cool!
1. take one bag from TOP shelf of your fridge
2. take a bag from the table opposite your fridge
Mr. H: follow usual directions and your last week stuff is, lower shelf on the rite and it is marked.
Jeanice: your bag is to the left bottom shelf, marked.
Rose: large marked bag in door of xtra greens: arugula and lettuce.
In the bag:
Black beauty Zukkini
CocoZelle Zukkini***
Round Zukkini
Thai Basil: so good with stir fry summer squash. It is not very good raw so put in hot food or cook.
Collards: think wraps or, we grilled it once, check that out
***Zuchini Chips: good recipes, you know you can spiralize, stuff or even use sliced summer squash for pasta( instead of for a gluten free option)
At my market they slice, and grill with olive oil and its fantastic.