CSA Week l0 N. Riverside, Eggs, yes 8/23/08

Tomatos are finally here:
The medium round ones are early girl, the ones with “ridges” are an heirloom: Consoluto Genevese. If you get an orange one, it is Persimmon and the pink one is Marriane’s Peace.
The large cherries are, Washington Large Cherries, the small yellow pear shaped ones are Yellow Pears.
You didn’t all receive every kind, I had to mix them because there are alot of CSA rs.
I think the salad mix is especially nice: mostly baby greens with arugala and swiss chard.
If there is an herb that you don’t get that you want on a particular week, let me know and I’ll pick it for you for free, if I have it.
What’s in the bags:
Salad Mix: Arugala,Malibar spinach, Baby Kohlrabi grrens, baby collard, baby Russion Kale, baby radish leaves and Swiss Chard
Assorted Garden Vegies
Basil, and Oregano

What’s in the bags:
Basil and Oregano
Patty Pan Squash
1. Stuffed: http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1850,147167-250196,00.html
2. Creamed: http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1950,150166-246198,00.html
3. Multiple: http://www.healthy-recipes-for-kids.com/scallop-squash-recipes.html
Potato, Bean, Tomato
1. Bean, Potato, Tomato Dish( I feel this could use some more spices or even fresh basil)?? http://www.thatsmyhome.com/farmers/bean-potato-medley.htm
Squash(may have to tweek some of these)
1. Carrot and Squash Saute: http://recipes.kaboose.com/zucchini-yellowsquash-carrot-saute.html
2. I made a simple stew with:
patty pan, carrot, garlic, onion, parsley, tomatos and black beans.
Cook the black beans.
Sautee garlic and onion with salt (and I used a chopped jalepeno) and then add a little honey just before adding the cut tomatos and parsley. Cover till toms are soft enuff to mash then add the cubed patty pan(or other squash). Cook and stir a while then add cumin and curry or cumin and cayenne> , add the beans and simmer so all the flavours meld. Oops, I think I put in some malibar spinach or chard too.