CSA Week # l8 LAST WEEK, thanks! Eggs yes. Please read directions carefully.

It’s been a great year with a few challenges.
I noticed some of you have not been coming to get your vegies. Let me know if there is a problem with which I can help.
Please pay special attention to your directions so that you get all that is due you.
This is your last week. Thank you for your support.
NOTE: Those of you who ordered special produce: Wittmers, Karin and Mr. Glowacki, Cygan……..
Wittmers and Glowacki: you each have (in addition to your normal bags, follow instructions) a bag marked for you on the top shelf of your fridge. Karin: your special order is on the bottom shelf of your fridge. Cygan and Wittmer Mountain Moon orders are on the produce table clearly marked.
I will be watching for you guys tomorrow but honk if you need me.
Instructions for full share:
1. take a bag from the bottom shelf of your fridge
2. Take eggs fro the door of your fridge
3. Take a bag from the Full side of the table opposite the fridge
What’s in the bags:
Superior Potatos
Beaureguard Sweet potatos(don’t worry about the size or how they look, they are delicious)
Garlic with greens
Little Finger Eggplant
Parmex Carrots
Itialian Parsley
Jantar Cilantro
Mixed Greens: Kohlrabi, Southern Collard, Red Russian Kale and Swiss Chard.
Half share instructions:
1. take a bag from the top shelf of your fridge
2. take a bag from the table opposite your fridge: HALF SHARE SIDE IS MARKED.
3. Take eggs from the bottom shelf of your fridge
What’s in the bags:
superior Potatos
Green Peppers