CSA Woodstock Week 8, 08/07/13 eggs# 4 of 6 yes*CArrot Pesto, Fried Green Tomatoes, Squash Ideas

For Round Squashes see my post to LS CSArs from 8/3 (Potato salad etc) or google round squash recipes.
Carrot Top Pesto: http://www.culinate.com/books/collections/all_books/roots/carrot_top_pesto

FRIED GREEN TOMATO RECIPE: http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/fried_green_tomatoes/

Full Shares:
l. Take 1 bag from Any shelf of your fridge
2. takes eggs only if you subscribe
* Ball Zukkini Google: round squash recipes for both these*
Floridor Zukkini*
Small Parsley
Assorted baby squash
Parmex Carrots( apparently you can make a carrot TOP Pesto)
Green tomatoes: fried green tomato recipe at the blog
New Zealand Spinach: pull leaves and eat like salad or google for recipes
Half Shares:
Subject to change from posting!!
take a bag from the fridge
take eggs if you subscribe ( edited)
Genovese Basil and Oregano
Sorrel http://www.mariquita.com/recipes/sorrel.html
* Ball and Floridor squash google round squash recipes