CSA Woodstock Week 12, 09/04/13 eggs yes! last time and…

This is your last subscription delivery of eggs, however, as more come in I will let you know, offer them for sale and you can pay as you go if you wish to have more.

Arugula,Squash and tomatoes: I think this would be good cold or hot http://www.grouprecipes.com/68465/awesome-arugula-squash-and-tomato-spaghetti.html
CSA Woodstock Week 12, 09/04/13 eggs no
Full Shares:
l. Take 1 bag from TOP shelf of your fridge and.. 1 Bag from the bottom shelf too.
2 total bags
2. take eggs from door if you subscribe
Golden Zukkini
Round CArrots
Red Norland Potatoes
Half Shares.
l. Take ONE bag from either shelf of your fridge
2. take eggs from door if you subscribe
Early girl tomatoes & cherry Tomatoes
Banana Peppers
Round Zukkini
Lemon Basil, use like parsly
Feel free to return egg cartons:)