Logan Square CSA Week 12/16 Eggs for sale and word: okra 9/15/13

Sorry I did not have this okra stuff up LAST WEEK WHEN YOU HAD OKRA. Below are some ideas and… I wonder if you coul use the eggplant in the below recipes in stead of okra. Hmmmm?

Eggs for sale $6.00 per dozen CAsh only for this. First come first serve to my CSA’rs only.

Can you believe how cold its gonna be all week at nite? Hope the hot crops like tomatoes and peppers and eggplant keep going.
I’ve really enjoyed our bumper crop of Asian Eggplants this year. In the past, you would have gotten them once or twice. I eat them several times per week.

Full Shares:
Swiss Chard
Purple Cayenne Peppers
Asian Eggplant
Mini Melon
Spaghetti Squash
Red Norland Potatoes
Asian Eggplant
Spaghetti Squash
Purple Cayenne Peppers
Mini Melons

Greek Braised Okra

– 1lb okra, cut into 2 inch pieces
– One cup distilled vinegar (for soaking)
– 1 large onion chopped
– 3 medium tomatoes chopped, seeds and skins removed
– 1/3 cup olive oil
– salt/pepper
– fresh chopped parsley

1. In a large bowl place the okra with the vinegar and fill with water. Allow to soak for at least 15 minutes. (this helps get rid of the sliminess)
2. Wash and drain the okra.
3. In a pot sweat the onions in the olive oil until translucent, and stir in the tomatoes.
4. When the tomatoes have begun releasing some juices add the okra and sautee.
5. Season with salt/pepper and parsley and add 1 cup of water.
6. Cover and simmer for 1/2 hour or until okras are soft. This can be done either on the stove top or in the oven.
7. Be very careful and stir gently as vigorous prodding will mush up the okra.

Jambalaya: http://vegetarian.about.com/od/maindishentreerecipes/r/Jambalaya.htm