Logan Square CSA Week 8 NO eggs 8/18/13

Wow, 47 degrees? Really?!
Those little buggers(rabbits) went thru and took a bit of almost every early girl tomato we had.
I don’t mind sharing but jeez oh man!!

BAnana peppers: I made a layered all vegie pasta with cheese last week and used the sliced banana peppers and squash and baked it with cheese and herbs. Mine was a little runny without pasta or bread. One could propbably beat an egg and pour it over the layers veg and cheese and bake it just fine.
Stuff with Creme cheese as a snack, put on pizza or in pasta or grilled.

Full Shares:
Cukumber salad in a bag(garlic, onion, dill and cuks)
Thai BAsil
Purple Cayenne Peppers & Jalepenos
Sweet Banana Peppers
Okra( not fully on, way too cold but.. some nice ones in there)
Half Share:
Sweet BAnan Pepper
Purple Cayenne and jalapenos
Dragon Tongue Beans
Nice Round Zukkini